Spiritual Offerings
Explore our programs and resources to meet you exactly where you are on your spiritual journey.
If you would like more information or are interested in joining one of these groups, please contact info@sacredthreadscenter.org.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is a specific ministry for those who look to share one-on-one conversation with a trained and certified spiritual director to explore deeper relationships with the Holy. Often times, a spiritual director assists a person to reveal where the Holy interacts with her in life. This directed experience may provide an individual with the support, understanding, and clarity of mind needed to help recognize where the Holy “bumps up against us” in everyday life.
End of Life Services
Recognizing the importance of honoring those who have passed, we work with those who are grieving. In conjunction with several funeral homes, we assist families in coordinating and officiating at memorial services, wakes and graveside services for loved ones.
For more information, contact Rosemary Mulvihill at rosemary@sacredthreadscenter.org.
Women’s Circles of Reflection and Dialogue
These monthly groups offer a safe environment for women to connect on a deeper level and explore life’s big questions. In Circle, all are committed to developing and maintaining the growth and life of the group. As a spaces of wisdom, contemplation, and compassion, whatever is shared is respected and held in confidence.
Currently, Women’s Circles of Reflection & Dialogue meet in Brighton and Sharon, MA. If you are interested in joining a current circle or starting a new circle in your area, please contact rosemary@sacredthreadscenter.org.
Pastoral Counseling
We provide professional counseling that is sensitive to relational and emotional issues, as well as to spiritual issues. This allows individuals to explore real life issues and concerns in the context of faith.
Mother’s Circle
These groups support one another as they face the challenges of motherhood, marriage, and the formation of their young children in faith and values. Newcomers are always welcome!
Wedding Guidance
We are delighted to work with engaged couples; assisting them with marriage preparation, providing guidance for wedding ceremonies and officiating at their wedding. A spiritual dimension is significant in all aspects of wedding guidance. Fees are negotiable.